Foot Health Week
The intentions of this blog is very vague, but I just want to put out useful, current, information for health professionals (Physio's, GP's, Pod's, Osteo's, Chiro's etc), patients, runners anyone interested in lower limb pathologies. Mostly this blog will focus on my areas of research which is plantar heel pain, foot exercises and the use of ultrasound. Other topics of interest will also op up from time to time. If you have anything you would like to see written or discussed, please let me know! Comment below or even send me an email and I will do what I can to write about it.
Ideally this shouldn't take all day to read, so some things may need to be published over a series of posts so that it stay's short, sweet and to the point.
Here is a nice video from the Australian Podiatry Association which gives a nice profile of podiatrists in general.
Taking steps forward,